Chinese start-up Bingo Box has launched a concept whereby customers can buy around 400 basic supplies at any time of the day or night from an entirely automated container. Auchan...
On June 16th, the e-commerce giant Amazon took everyone by surprise when they announced their purchase of the American chain Whole Foods Market. This represents a massive inroad for the...
The results of the 2017 Shopper Value® Barometer have recently been revealed. In the food sector, customers approve of drive-up services, which has become the preferred point of access...
Denouncing the dehumanisation of business. Being indignant about the pre-eminence of groups like Amazon, Uber or Google. Challenging the management methods used in logistics centres (competitions between staff, workers...
Seattle, Amazon’s preferred test city and where it has already launched its checkout-free supermarket Amazon Go, is now home to Amazon’s first drive-up store: Amazon Fresh Pick Up. For a...
In front of a 200 retailers audience, Altavia Italia’s innovation and experimentation department AltaviaLab unveiled the results of the Italian Edition of the Baromètre de la Valeur Shopper®....