Placing the priority on reasonable prices

    The results of the Baromètre 2019 de la Valeur Shopper® [Shopper Value Survey] have revealed that, for more than one out of two French people, the criterion ‘Find...

NRF 2019: human-centred technology

    While the 2018 edition of NRF took place against the backdrop of the ‘Retail Apocalypse’, this year a new optimism was in the air. Our expert Jean-Marc Mégnin,...

China’s huge 11.11 celebration

  On 11/11/2018, Alibaba celebrated the 10th anniversary of its Global Shopping Festival. This year once again saw record-breaking sales, with 30 billion dollars generated in the space of 24...

The UFO AliExpress at the dawn of success

  If you ask around, you will be surprised to discover that more and more people have already made a purchase via the site AliExpress. And that they are very...